Specialised Services

Z Star will ensure that estimation is based on the geological model- & the foundation of any mineral resource estimate.

Sampling is critical in terms of providing representative data for mineral resource estimation.

Data Management
Z Star experience has shown that robust management and storage of data is essential for accurate mineral resource estimation.

Z Star can provide specialist modelling services to create 3D geology models that will form the basis for the estimation process.

Z Star analysts are highly skilled in the use of geo- statistical mineral resource estimation techniques

Z Star will ensure all mineral resource estimates are assigned the correct levels of confidence

Governance & Assurance
Z Star can provide the applicable governance and assurance services tailored to each individual client’s needs.

Mineral Asset Valuation
Z Star professionals undertake the valuation of mineral assets to satisfy the mineral asset valuation codes

Software Development
Z Star provide tailor made software development solutions for the mining industry.
Our Global Footprint


View Complete Client List
A Sociedade Minera De Catoca LDA
Alexkor Limited
Amulet Diamonds (Pty) Ltd
Angola Technical Services Limited
BlueRock Diamonds PLC
Consulmet (Pty) Limited
De Beers Canada Incorporated
De Beers Consolidated Mines Limited
De Beers Group Services (Pty) Ltd
Finsch Diamond Mine (Pty) Ltd
Firestone Diamonds PLC
Jwaneng Mine: Debswana Diamond Company (Pty) Ltd
Kareevlei Mining (Pty) Ltd
Liqhobong Mining Development Company (Pty) Ltd
Letšeng Diamonds (Pty) Ltd
Lucapa Diamond Company (Pty) Ltd
Murowa Diamonds (Pty) Ltd
Namdeb Diamond Corporation (Pty) Ltd
Namakwa Diamond management Services (Pty) Ltd
Orapa Mine: Debswana Diamond Company (Pty) Ltd
Paleostone Mineral resource Consultants cc
Petra Diamonds Ltd
Rockwell Resources RSA (Pty) Ltd
Royal HaskoningDHV
Stellar Diamonds PLC
Trans Hex Group Limited
Marine Diamonds
Afri-Can Marine Minerals Corporation
De Beers Marine (Pty) Ltd
Debmarine Namibia (Pty) Ltd
AngloGold Ashanti
Randgold Resources Limited
Société d’Exploitation des Mines d’Or de Sadiola S.A
Marine Gold
AuruMar (Pty) Ltd
Seafield Resources Limited (NZ)
MSA Geoservices (Pty) Ltd
Iron Ore
Kumba Iron Ore
Sishen Iron Ore Company (Pty) Ltd
Base Metals
Ambase Prospecting (Namibia) (Pty) Ltd
Black Mountain Mining (Pty) Ltd
Orion Minerals Ltd
Orion Services South Africa (Pty) Ltd
Rosh Pinah Zinc (Pty) Ltd
Skorpion Mining Company (Pty) Ltd
Vedanta Resources Plc
Industrial minerals
ARM SA (Pty) Ltd
Mafikeng Cement (Pty) Ltd
ACA Howe International Limited
Coffey Mining (SA) (Pty) Ltd
Snowden Mining Industry Consultants (Pty) Ltd
Cadiz Financial Strategy Group
Nedbank Capital
Pala Investments Limited
Public Investment Corporation (PIC)
Standard Bank of South Africa Limited
Renewable Energy
Palmtree Power (Pty) Ltd
Clearphos Limited Kodal Minerals plc
The Tax Shop Accountants (SA) (Auditors)
The Tax Shop (Accounting)
Infestation (Marketing & Design)
Geovariances (Geostatistical software)
BDO Namibia (Accounting)
iSquared Technologies (ICT)
Heritage Agency
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